Ustensiles de cuisine en bois Dessous de plat en bois et bambou naturel et noir Dessous de plat naturel et original en bois et bambou Dessous de plat en bambou et bois Dessous de plat en bois et bambou naturel et noir

Taee Trivet


Hand-woven wooden and bamboo trivet


The Taee trivet fits on any table: light and delicate, its meticulous weaving stands out.

Inspired by the trivets traditionally used in Japan to place teapots during the tea ceremony and handmade by women, they are the heirs of ancestral know-how, which consists of weaving bamboo onto wooden structures.

As a small, discreet but certainly remarkable detail, a fine black braid punctuates the outline of Taee to make it stand out from the ordinary.


diameter: 17cm

Hand-woven wood and bamboo

Clean with a dry cloth

- Country assembly : Inde

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