Paint sample Échantillon de peinture Paint sample Paint sample Paint sample Paint sample

Paint sample





It is because we know that finding the right colour for your walls means asserting your entire identity that we have designed our samples to make your choice easier. We know that each colour really comes to life once it is applied in its final environment, and that its subtleties are revealed depending on the light, different at each moment of the day. To avoid attempts that would be difficult to cover, Caravane offers you “peel & stick” samples. Practical, they can be repositioned in one gesture - the guarantee of being able to test them in their best light. Each sample is hand-painted, it is the promise of absolute accuracy, without surprises. And if you hesitate between several colours? They are available in boxes, each of which contains all 16 iconic colours.

So what will your walls look like?


- Format 1 litre
- Format 2,5 litres

- Disponibles en 16 coloris et deux finitions : mate et velours.
- Rendement : 10 m²/L pour une couche (5 m²/L pour deux couches).

- La peinture Caravane est fabriquée en France à partir de matières premières locales. Elle contient des huiles végétales, des charges minérales naturelles, de la caséine et de l'eau. Les teintes sont créées avec des pigments et un liant 100% naturel, sans COV (Composés Organiques Volatils).

- Outils :
Rouleau microfibre

- Application :
Bien mélanger avant utilisation. Appliquez la peinture en deux couches, en laissant sécher 5 à 6 heures entre chaque application. Ne pas arrêter l’application au milieu d’un pan de mur afin d’éviter les traces de reprises. Lavez les outils à l’eau savonneuse dès la fin de l’application.

Sous-couche Caravane adaptée recommandée.

And to complete your project

Test the color of your choice directly on your walls with our samples, and prepare your work with an undercoat specially designed for our paints. Our paint is made in France to order using an artisanal approach. Delivery time is 2-3 weeks in France and 4 to 6 weeks abroad.

I choose my color