Small seats
( 19 Products )Manda Bench
Bench made from recycled wood and woven cotton
Yuka Bench
Cotton and eucalyptus wood
Murgi Stool
Woven cotton and iron stool
Kayu Stool
Teak stool
Murgi chair
Woven cotton and iron
Kaar armchair
Holi chair
Selena linen fabric - Available online
Keshi Stool
Stool in weathered wood
Murgi vegetable stool
Banana fiber stool
Kaar Bean Bag
Murgi Vegetable Chair
Banana fiber plant chair
Pebble Bean Bag
Trombone armchair
Trombone Chair
Forged steel upholstered chair
Murgi high chair
Woven cotton high chair
Murgi high vegetable chair
High chair made of plant fiber
Manda Bench
Bench made from recycled wood and woven cotton
Yuka Bench
Cotton and eucalyptus wood
Murgi Stool
Woven cotton and iron stool
Office chairs or dining room chairs or stools, choose from a wide range of small, modern and timeless seats.
Kayu Stool
Teak stool
Murgi chair
Woven cotton and iron
Kaar armchair
Holi chair
Selena linen fabric - Available online
Kaar Bean Bag
Murgi Vegetable Chair
Banana fiber plant chair
Pebble Bean Bag
Trombone armchair
Trombone Chair
Forged steel upholstered chair
Murgi high chair
Woven cotton high chair
Murgi high vegetable chair
High chair made of plant fiber
Murgi lozenge chair
Woven cotton